Water Rights and Water Resources Consulting Services

Water Right Examiner

Water Resources Consulting


Water Rights Engineering

Water Supply Planning

Water Rights Valuations

Water Systems Operational Modeling

customer satisfaction

happy clients with happy comments

I wanted to build a pond next to a river but was just lost amid all the permits I needed to get; Rick made it easy
Anastasia Valencia
I sold my water rights at an excellent market value generated by parsons water. Thank You.
oscar avalos
Data Analyst
I'm a pilot, not a wayer expert. I wanted to do a water project so I called the expert.
roberto hernandez

Water Rights Modeling

Analysis of various supply and operations within river basins to identify available yield and potential injury from operations within prior appropriation system

Water Supply Planning

Analysis of various supply and operational changes in North, South and Central Platte Rivers to support delivery of water to Critical Habitat of endangered species near Grand Island, Nebraska

contact Me


541.499.0257     303.667.5067 cell